Arts Centered Education Program

The Missouri Alliance Arts Centered Education (ACE) promotes and supports an arts integrated approach to teaching and learning in Missouri's schools. This program enables schools to receive customized onsite professional development at no cost to the school.

Arts in Education leads to:

Arts integration - an introduction (2 min.)

Arts Integration practitioners may need:

Ideally, arts integrated instruction is designed from local curricula and aligned with the Missouri Learning Standards. Through an arts integrated approach to teaching and learning, students engage in a creative process which connects the art form and at least one other subject area and meets evolving objectives in both

Teaching artists, who specialize in arts integration, will customize the training received, based on the professional learning needs of the building.  MAAE Arts Integration Specialists will meet with building leaders and determine which services will best meet the needs of the adult learners in a given situation. 

Large group

Professional development for the full school staff can take the form that best meets the needs and professional learning objectives for the school. We suggest at least one session of professional learning for the entire staff to help those unfamiliar with arts integration become acquainted with the concept, and increase the likelihood of individuals from the school becoming a part of the current arts integration co-hort group or an arts integration practitioner of the future.


Within the cohort group, professional learning often looks like:

Program Evaluation 

We want to ensure that the program meets the stated objectives for the school, and collect evidence for our funders about the efficacy of the program.

Elements of the program evaluation will be determined for each school based on their objectives. It may include items such as:

We wish to learn about the needs and objectives for professional learning at each school and seek out teaching artists who may uniquely suited to meet the needs of the school and the individual members of the cohort.

If you want to become an ACE school or if you just what to learn more, please contact Lauren Hanahan, Arts Integration Specialist, at 

MAAE wishes to make programming accessible to all. In-person events are held in ADA compliant facilities allowing those with mobility issues to participate. Please contact if you have any additional requests to accommodate visual, hearing or other accessibility issues. 

The Missouri Arts Integration Network is a collection of individuals with an interest in arts integration. We welcome arts and non-arts teachers from any subject or discipline at every level PreK-college. Our FREE one-hour quarterly meetings via ZOOM provide a forum for connecting with other educators and hearing success stories from practitioners. 

Access the registration link for each ZOOM meeting here. 

Arts Integration can benefit you and your students!

MAAE is committed to helping Missouri teachers use Arts Integration as a strategy to improve student achievement and behavior.  Helping educators learn best practices for effective implementation honors the expertise of all teachers involved and addresses both arts and non-arts standards to yield great benefits for all. 

Do not fear that you will lose something by working collaboratively with others.  Arts Integration can actually help meet your classroom goals, enriching your work in the arts with your students. Collaborative planning for arts integrated learning experiences honors the arts as a partner and reflecting standards in the arts and non-arts subject area(s) and providing opportunities for assessment of skill and understanding in both.

Our partners in Kansas City, St. Louis and Springfield offer professional development training and follow-up which to teacher interested in Arts Integration.