Arts Education Research
With funding from the Missouri Arts Council and the cooperation and assistance of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Missouri Alliance for Arts Education has completed several studies in arts education.
August-September, 2024 " ""Primary Election Winners and their Attitudes towards the Arts" MAAE worked collaboratively with Missouri Citizens for the Arts to design a survey administered to Primary Election Winners. Individual reports for each respondent were compiled and a summary statement prepared >view report here
April - October 2022 - "Arts in Education Survey" Survey closed 10.31.22.
August-September, 2022 ""Primary Election Winners and their Attitudes towards the Arts" MAAE worked collaboratively with Missouri Citizens for the Arts to design a survey administered to Primary Election Winners. Individual reports for each respondent were compiled and a summary statement prepared. >view report here
December, 2020 - "Teacher Perceptions on the impact of COVID-19 Global Pandemic on Teaching and Learning in the Arts In Missouri."
- November, 2020-February 2021 - "A report to the MAAE Board of Directors from the Early Learning in the Arts Task Force"
August-October, 2020- "Examining the factors which contribute to few people of color involved in professional development and honors ensembles" a listening project.
September, 2020 -"Primary Election Winners and their Attitudes towards the Arts" MAAE worked collaboratively with Missouri Citizens for the Arts to design a survey administered to Primary Election Winners throughout September. Individual reports for each respondent were compiled and a summary statement prepared.
April, 2020 -"The impact of Covid-19 on School Music Programs" MAAE conducted a survey to determine the financial and human impact of program cancellations as a result of the pandemic.
April, 2020 -"The impact of COVID-19 on Teaching Artists and Creative Workers" MAAE conducted a survey to determine the financial and human impact of industry workers as a result of school closures during the pandemic.
September, 2015 -“Arts Education Still Makes a Difference in Missouri Schools,” followed similar protocols and measured similar correlations as the study previously released in March, 2010. School data was submitted by 514 districts. The study reports the relationships between student participation in fine arts courses (music, visual art, theatre/drama and dance) and attendance and graduation rates, disciplinary infractions, and statewide tests in language arts and mathematics in the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP).
May, 2012 -"Fine Arts Assessment Pilot Study" - For a history of the Missouri Fine Arts Assessment (2000-01) and details of this 2012 study click here.
June, 2012 -"Missouri Alliance for Arts Education Middle School Study" MAAE released a report on a study of student-level data from two Missouri middle schools.
March, 2010 - “Arts Education makes a Difference in Missouri Schools,” analyzed school data submitted by 514 districts. The study reports the relationships between student participation in fine arts courses (music, visual art, theatre/drama and dance) and attendance and graduation rates, disciplinary infractions, and statewide tests in language arts and mathematics in the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP).