Senate Student Fine Arts Exhibit
How it Works:
Student work is submitted by the teacher, compiled and submitted to each senator for the final selection process.
K-12 teachers from any arts discipline take high-quality photos of a work or performance. Images are submitted to us, organized by district and sent to each of our 34 State Senators. They view work from their district and select one image to represent them. The chosen images are printed on 12"x16" paper and displayed in frames throughout the year at the Missouri Capitol to advocate legislator support for the arts.
Both the selected student artist and their teacher are honored at the MAEA Legislative Day and MAAEs Fine Arts Education Day.
Visit MAEA Website for FAQ's or
Email Project Chair, Vicki Bean at
About the Exhibit:
Established in 2014, a joint effort between the Missouri Alliance for Arts Education, the Missouri Art Education Association, and sponsored by Senator David Pearce, the Senate Hall Art Exhibit showcases fine arts programs in all 34 Senate Districts. VIEW MAP The exhibit is located on the grounds of the Capitol in the hallway that leads from Senate parking to the Capitol ground floor entrance.
2024 Senate Student Arts Exhibit Honorees
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SD01 -Liam Ahmed (Kindergarten) from Sappington Elementary selected by Senator Beck - Amy Ahmed, art teacher
SD02 -Taylor Schmitt (Gr. 12) from Francis Howell Central High School selected by Senator Schroer - Michelle McCune, art teacher
SD03 -Ocarina Smith (Gr. 11) from Valley R-VI HS selected by Senator Gannon - Kat Grajek, art teacher
SD04 -JiaLi Deck (Gr. 12) from Clayton HS selected by Senator K. May - Kami Chavarin, art teacher
SD05 -Alexandria Ruppel (Gr. 8) from Home School selected by Senator Roberts - Beth Ruppel, art teacher
SD06 -Karen McCauley (Gr. 11) from Blair Oaks HS selected by Senator Bernskoetter - Brandi Rackers, art teacher
SD07 -Olivia Adams (Gr. 9) from Grandview HS selected by Senator Razer - Joan Nelson, art teacher
SD08 -Sarah Woodall (Gr. 12) from Summit Christian Academy selected by Senator Cierpiot - Jana Evans, art teacher
SD09 -Kalysia Ofarrill (Gr. 12) from Paseo Academy of Fine and Performing Arts selected by Senator Washington - Megan Kempker, art teacher
SD10 -Chloe Daugherty (Kindergarten) from Stone Creek Elem. selected by Senator Fitzwater - Hester Menier, art teacher
SD11 -Bri Thurmon (Gr. 12) from Independence Art And Technology School selected by Senator Rizzo - Karen Campbell, art teacher
SD12 -Eve Townsend (Gr. 11) from Lathrop HS selected by Senator Black - Jessica Petty, art teacher
SD13 -Camyrn Forrest (Gr. 11) from Jennings HS selected by Senator Mosley - Jennifer Kelch, art teacher
SD14 -Kalyn Baker (Gr. 12) from STEAM Academy at McClure South Berkeley (Ferg- flor) selected by Senator Williams - Kelly Eggers, art teacher
SD15 -Sören Frederick (Gr. 12) from Parkway West HS selected by Senator Koenig - Kat Briggs, art teacher
SD16 -Avery Walker (Gr. 4) from Freedom Elem. selected by Senator Brown - Allyson Uhles, art teacher
SD17 -Kali Sun (Gr. 11) from Staley HS selected by Senator Arthur - Chelle Cox, art teacher
SD18 -Sidney Zimmerman (Gr. 11) from Hannibal High School selected by Senator O’Laughlin - James Zimmerman, art teacher
SD19 -Kiara Nahomy Lopez-Espinosa (Gr. 12) from Battle HS selected by Senator Rowden - Lori Jobe & Jody Spriggs, art teacher
SD20 -Dwayne Watts (Gr. 12) from Lamar HS selected by Senator Trent - Candy Hill, art teacher
SD21 -Piper Lee (Gr. 12) from Liberty HS selected by Senator Hoskins - Amanda Phipps, art teacher
SD22 -Everly Boyd (Kindergarten) from Cedar Springs Elem. selected by Senator Coleman - Melanie Robinson, art teacher
SD23 -Alayna Schuttenberg (Gr. 5) from Francis Howell Fairmount Elementary selected by Senator Eigel - Dr. Heidi Styrk, art teacher
SD24 -Jacobi West (Gr. 5) from Willow Brook Elem selected by Senator McCreery - Dawn Lynn, art teacher
SD25 -Elliott Furlow (Gr. 10) from Kennett HS selected by Senator Bean - Joni Boone, art teacher
SD26 -Madison Mengwasser (Gr. 11) from Linn HS selected by Senator Brown - Lana Hunt, art teacher
SD27 -Jacob Crocker (Gr. 8) from Russell Hawkins Jr. High selected by Senator Rehder - Meg Daniels, art teacher
SD28 -Yaroslav Chervonetskyi (Gr. 12) from Smith Cotton HS selected by Senator Crawford - Rachel Ramirez, art teacher
SD29 -Anna Smith (Gr. 12) from Spokane HS selected by Senator Moon - Judy Hopper, art teacher
SD30 -Aidan Coale (Gr. 10) from Glendale HS selected by Senator Hough - Rob Ramos, art teacher
SD31 -Lylah Finley (Gr. 8) from Raymore-Peculiar East Middle School selected by Senator Brattin - Kris Partridge, art teacher
SD32 -Ezekiel Murray (Gr. 11) from Carl Junction HS selected by Senator Carter - Nellie Mitchell, art teacher
SD33 -McKenzie Stafford (Gr. 11) from Branson HS selected by Senator Eslinger - Jessica Blackburn, art teacher
SD34 -Jay Adams (Gr. 12) from Park Hill South HS selected by Senator Luetkemeyer - Heather Sulzen, art teacher
2023 Senate Student Arts Exhibit Honorees
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SD01 Doug Beck -Nina Ndonwi Gr. 9, Hancock Sr HS - Laura Schuhwerk, visual arts educator
SD02 Nick Schroer -Nora Bailey Gr. 8 , Fort Zumwalt West Middle - Mary B McGillycuddy, visual arts educator
SD03 Elaine Gannon -Avery Vaughn Gr. 12, Hillsboro High School - Shelby Walsh, visual arts educator
SD04 Karla May -Sritha Rathikindi Gr. 8, Wydown MS - Abigail Birhanu, visual arts educator
SD05 Steve Roberts -Alexandria Ruppel Gr. 7, Creatopia Academy Homeschool - Beth Ruppel, visual arts educator
SD06 Mike Bernskoetter -Rebekah Cochran Gr. 11, Iberia R-V - Tiffany Caldwell, visual arts educator
SD07 Greg Razer -Jaquez Jackson Gr. 12, University Academy - Kathleen Hammond, visual arts educator
SD08 Mike Cierpiot -Charlotte Brownlee Gr. 11, Summit Christian Lee’s Summit - Jana Evans, visual arts educator
SD09 Barbara Washington -Basimise Fabrice Gr. 12, East High School KC - Catrina Dye, visual arts educator
SD10 Travis Fitzwater -Josephine Hoskins Gr. 12, Troy Buchanan HS - Rosemary Ziegler, visual arts educator
SD11 John Rizzo -Supha Yates Gr. 10, Fort Osage HS - Kim Meneses, visual arts educator
SD12 Rusty Black -Aubrey Mattson Gr. 12, Jefferson C-123, Conception jct. mo - Carla Peery, visual arts educator
SD13 Angela Mosley -Jai’Lyne Figures Gr. 3, Glasgow - Diana Deak, visual arts educator
SD14 Brian Williams -Tallie Winter Gr. 12, University City HS - Marnie Claunch, visual arts educator
SD15 Andrew Koenig -Lillian Horrom Gr. 5, Robinson Elementary - April Maldonado, visual arts educator
SD16 Justin Brown -Landon Wilkinson Gr. 11, Waynesville R-6 - Ronni Jeter, visual arts educator
SD17 Lauren Arthur -Sarah Mohamed Gr. 12, Winnetonka - Heather Sulzen, visual arts educator
SD18 Cindy O’Laughlin -Sidney Zimmerman Gr. 10, Hannibal High School - James Zimmerman, visual arts educator
SD19 Caleb Rowden -SreyPha Phon Gr. 12, Battle High School - Jody Spriggs, visual arts educator
SD20 Curtis Trent -Julia Worthley Gr. 11, Nixa HS - Megan Johnson, visual arts educator
SD21 Denny Hoskins -Kailey Pennington Gr. 4, Orrick R-XI - Cassie Smith, visual arts educator
SD22 Mary Elizabeth Coleman -Miles Ell Gr. 2, House Springs Elem. - Michelle Howard , visual arts educator
SD23 Bill Eigel -Arianna Walker Gr. 4, Fairmount Elem, Francis Howell SD - Dr. Heidi Styrk, visual arts educator
SD24 Tracy McCreery -Adora Kushwaha Gr. 3, Rohan Woods School - Jennifer Burkert, visual arts educator
SD25 Jason Bean -Alison Shipp Gr. 12, Poplar Bluff HS, - Jeanne Stevenson, visual arts educator
SD26 Ben Brown -Devika Eluru Gr. 8, Parkway West MS - Anna Hurlbert, visual arts educator
SD27 Holly Thompson Rehder -McCoy Lucy Gr. 12, Arcadia Valley R-2 - Rebecca Turner, visual arts educator
SD27 Holly Thompson Rehder -Dante Medlin Gr. 3, Scott City R-1 - Elizabeth Thomas, visual arts educator
SD28 Sandy Crawford -Danielle Burkhart Gr. 9 , Smith Cotton HS, Sedalia, MO - Rachel Ramirez, visual arts educator
SD29 Mike Moon -Natalie Sportsman Gr. 12, Spokane High School - Judy Hopper, visual arts educator
SD30 Lincoln Hough -Sophie Ballmann Gr. 6, Immaculate Conception School, Springfield - Glad Eyerman, visual arts educator
SD31 Rick Brattin -Mariah Bauer Gr. 10, Lakeland R-3 - Erica McMillan, visual arts educator
SD32 Jill Carter -Georgia Stone Gr. 12, Joplin HS - Seth Wolfshorndl, visual arts educator
SD33 Karla Eslinger -Senesi Tukia Gr. 10, Mountain Grove R-3 - Abby Homer, visual arts educator
SD34 Tony Luetkemeyer -Kaitlin O’Connor Gr. 11, Park Hill High School, KC, mo - Kylei Giles, visual arts educator
View a video of the 2023 selected entries here. (4:10)
2022 Senate Student Arts Exhibit Honorees
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More than 111 people gathered bright and early on the morning of March 23, 2022 to meet with their senators and to receive recognition for their participation in the Senate Student Arts Exhibition. Coordinator, Vicki Bean officiated the recognition ceremony in the rotunda of Missouri's State Capitol Building. The exhibit will remain on display in the hallway which connects the Senate parking garage to the Capitol building for the coming year.
SD01 - Rachel Sebastian-Asbed, 12th; Jocelyn Reiss, instructor - Webster Groves, Senator Doug Beck
SD02 - Natasha Wood, 11th; Sarah Koeneker, instructor - Fort Zumwalt, Senator Bob Onder
SD03 - Katie Deevers, 12th; Michelle Thompson, instructor - Jefferson R-VII, Senator Elaine Gannon
SD04 - Fahtehaw Washington Kirksey, 9th; Ron Jennings, instructor - Soldan Int. Studies, Senator Karla May
SD05 - Silas Lively, 8th; Shawn Trent, instructor - SLPS, Education and Therapeutic Support - Madison (K-8), Senator Steven Roberts
SD06 - Maggie Deeken, 12th; Sonya Walker, instructor - Fatima HS, Senator Mike Bernskoetter
SD07 - Lucia Thomas, 10th; Jazzmin Earl, instructor - St. Teresa’s Academy, Senator Greg Razer
SD08 - Jisue Kim, 10th; Jana Evans, instructor - Summit Christian Acad, Senator Mike Cierpiot
SD09 - Mona Ingersoll-Qureshi, 12th; Sharon Mitchell, instructor - KC Paseo Academy, Senator Barbara A. Washington
SD10 - Grace Beamer, 10th; Rosemary Ziegler, instructor - Troy Buchanan HS, Senator Jeanie Riddle
SD11 - Aundrea Denham, 11th; Kim Meneses, instructor - Fort Osage HS, Senator John Rizzo
SD12 - Lily Curly, 12th; Pam Haahr, instructor - Lathrop Schools, Senator Dan Hegeman
SD13 - Lakyia Belle, 4th; Terry Hederman, instructor - Moline Elementary, Senator Angela Mosley
SD14 - Artavia Jones, 11th; Jennifer Kelch, instructor - Jennings HS, Senator Brian Williams
SD15 - Sydney Scherrer, 8th; Rochelle Bower, instructor - Selvidge, Senator Andrew Koenig
SD16 - Chloe Cobb, 12th; Jessica Delmont, instructor - Bourbon HS, Senator Justin Brown
SD17 - Maegan Ericksen,11th; Dr. Julie Miller, instructor - Liberty HS, Senator Lauren Arthur
SD18 - Grace Kirby, 11th; James Zimmerman, instructor - Hannibal HS, Senator Cindy O’Laughlin
SD19 - Bella Vaca, 12th; Jessica Gutierrez, instructor - Cooper Co. R-4, Senator Caleb Rowden
SD20 - Victoria Carter, 12th ;Megan Johnson, instructor - Nixa HS, Senator Eric Burlison
SD21 - Destiny Rohde, 8th; Cassie Smith, instructor - Orrick R-XI, Senator Denny Hoskins
SD22 - Marley Ringwall, 5th ;Linda Fowler, instructor - Maple Grove Elem., Senator Paul Wieland
SD23 - Lincoln Quast, 2nd; Dr. Heidi Styrk, instructor - FHSDS, Senator Bill Eigel
SD24 - Arely Hernandez, 11th; David Appelbaum, instructor - Ritenour HS, Senator Jill Schupp
SD25 - Elizabeth Roberts, 12th; Angela Pence, instructor - E. Carter Co., Senator Jason Bean
SD26 - Gabrielle Bolfing, 11th; Jessica Esfahani, instructor - Eureka HS, Senator Dave Schatz
SD27 - Maddix Sneed, 11th; Nikki Heuring, instructor - Thomas W. Kelly HS, Senator Holly Rehder
SD28 - Samuel Verbovshchuk, 10th; Lori Larimore, instructor - Green Ridge R-8, Senator Sandy Crawford
SD29 - Emma Hensley, 9th; Jennifer Leeper, instructor - Monett HS, Senator Mike Moon
SD30 - Kai Ousley, 12th; Teri Turner/Dustina Thomas, instructor - MO Thespian Adv. Glendale HS, Senator Lincoln Hough
SD31 - Chelsey Sullivan, 10th; Candy Hill, instructor - Lamar HS, Senator Rick Brattin
SD32 - Anne Kaye Vangilder, 12th; Nellie Mitchell, instructor - Carl Junction HS, Senator Bill White
SD33 - Shelbie Johnson, 10th; Susan Francis, instructor - Doniphan HS, Senator Karla Eslinger
SD34 - Liam Garrett, 5th; Chelsey Küsek, instructor - Bell Prairie Elem., Senator Tony Luetkemeyer
This video shares all student art selected in 2022. (6:21)
2021 Senate Student Arts Exhibit Honorees
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Established in 2014, as a joint effort between the Missouri Alliance for Arts Education, the Missouri Art Education Association, the Senate Hall Art Exhibit showcases fine arts programs in all 34 Senate Districts. Thanks to the efforts of chair Vicki Bean, Missouri's Senators had an opportunity to view and select their favorite from among works of of art submitted from their Senatorial district. The exhibit is located on the grounds of the Capitol in the hallway that leads from Senate parking to the Capitol ground floor entrance. We congratulate those students selected during the 2021 school year.
Senator Doug Beck -District 1 artwork by Dellia Franklin, gr. 5-Hancock Place Elementary, Mrs. Nicole Anderson, art teacher
Senator Bob Onder -District 2 artwork by Zayda Kendig, gr. 2-Stone Creek Elementary, Mrs. Hester Menier, NBCT, art teacher
Senator Elaine Gannon -District 3 artwork by Jonathan (JD) Brown, gr. 12-Arcadia Valley R-2, Mrs. Rebecca Turner, art teacher
Senator Karla May -District 4 artwork by Briona Hellems, gr. 11-Soldan International Studies HS, Mr. Ron Jennings, art teacher
Senator Steve Roberts -District 5 artwork by Latwan Crews, gr. 5-Bryan Hill Elem/Columbia Elem, Mrs. Britt Tate, art teacher
Senator Mike Bernskoetter -District 6 artwork by Graci Williams, gr. 12-Coler R-5 (Eugene), Mrs. Rhonda Burkett, art teacher
Senator Greg Razer -District 7 artwork by Shyionna Thatcher, gr. 12-University Academy, Ms. Kathleen Hammond, art teacher
Senator Mike Cierpiot -District 8 artwork by Yuna Alyn Shin, gr. 10-Summit Christian Academy, Ms. Jana Evans, art teacher
Senator Barbara Washington -District 9 artwork by Aleida Islas-McGhee, gr. 4-Academy for the Integrated Arts, Mrs. Dorothy Miller, art teacher
Senator Jeanie Riddle -District 10 artwork by Elizabeth Channel, gr. 12-Troy Buchanan High School, Ms. Rosemary Ziegler, art teacher
Senator John Rizzo -District 11 artwork by Noah Laber, gr. 12-Independence Art & Technology, Karen Campbell, art teacher
Senator Dan Hegeman -District 12 artwork by Tyler Husch, gr. 12-Cameron R-1 HS, Mrs. Brett Bubulka, art teacher
Senator Angela Walton Mosley -District 13 artwork by Dallas Brown, gr. 4-Moline Elem, Ms. Terry Hederman, art teacher
Senator Brian Williams -District 14 artwork by Amajes Boyd, gr. 12-Jennings, Mrs. Jennifer Kelch, art teacher
Senator Andrew Koenig -District 15 artwork by Elias Muraski, gr. 11-Kirkwood HS, Mr. Jason Hoeing, art teacher
Senator Justin Brown -District 16 artwork by LillieAnne Peregory, gr. 2-Thayer Elem School, Debra Akery, art teacher
Senator Lauren Arthur -District 17 artwork by Rachael Mueller, gr. 12-Staley HS, Chelle Cox, NBCT, art teacher
Senator Cindy O'Laughlin -District 18 artwork by Makaila Teter, gr. 10-Atlanta C-3, Vanita Weber, art teacher
Senator Caleb Rowden -District 19 artwork by Lillian Lee, gr. 12-Otterville, Julie Gemes, art teacher
Senator Eric Burlison -District 20 artwork by David Nord, gr. 12-Spokane HS, Mrs. Judy Hopper, art teacher
Senator Denny Hoskins -District 21 artwork by Makilah Pokey, gr. 4-Orrick R-XI, Mrs. Cassie Smith, art teacher
Senator Paul Wieland -District 22 artwork by Albrey Jett, gr. 5-Cedar Springs Elem, Mrs. Melanie Robinson, art teacher
Senator Bill Eigel -District 23 artwork by Louisa Smith, gr. 5-Fairmount Elem, Dr. Heidi Styrk, art teacher
Senator Jill Schupp -District 24 artwork by Jolin Li, gr. 5-Ladue Fifth Grade Center, Mrs. Brenna Roth, art teacher
Senator Jason Bean -District 25 artwork by Ricky Sparks, gr. 10-East Carter County RII School, Mrs. Angela Pence, art teacher
Senator Dave Schatz -District 26 artwork by Ellie Fleming, gr. 1-Labadie Elem, Mrs. Sarah Monzyk, art teacher
Senator Holly Rehder -District 27 artwork by Mia Foote, gr. 11-Jackson Senior HS, Ms. Andrea Talley, art teacher
Senator Sandy Crawford -District 28 artwork by Laci Thompson, gr. 10-Cole Camp R-1, Mrs. Stephanie Pate, art teacher
Senator Mike Moon -District 29 artwork by Arlind Osmani, gr. 11-Aurora R-8 School, Mrs. Lori Barton, art teacher
Senator Lincoln Hough -District 30 artwork by Randi Martin, gr. 12-Glendale HS, Mr. Robin Ramos, art teacher
Senator Rick Brattin -District 31 artwork by Alana Thelin, gr. 8-Pleasant Hill MS, Ms. Emily Morlan, art teacher
Senator Bill White -District 32 artwork by Kayla Chambers, gr. 12-Joplin HS, Mr. Seth Wolfshorndl, art teacher
Senator Karla Eslinger -District 33 artwork by Skyler Todd, gr. 12-Thayer High School, Mrs. Jana Miller, art teacher
Senator Tony Luetkemeyer -District 34 artwork by Addi Grimm, gr. 8-Walden MS, Ms. Rachel Wenzel, art teacher
Chairman's Choice Award: -District 3 Senator Gannon -artwork by Taylon Jones, grade 12 Arcadia Valley R-2, Mrs. Rebecca Turner, art teacher.
David Nord, gr. 12-Spokane HS, Mrs. Judy Hopper, art teacher
Dellia Franklin, 5th Gr. Hancock Place Schools; Mrs. Nicole Anderson Art Teacher
Randi Martin, gr. 12-Glendale HS, Mr. Robin Ramos, art teacher
Skyler Todd, gr. 12-Thayer High School, Mrs. Jana Miller, art teacher
Visit MAEA site for more details. - or contact coordinator Vicki Bean,