Fine Arts Ed Leader Convenings

Future Convenings being planned!

Calling Arts Ed Leaders!  

Help us identify arts ed leaders across our state who might benefit from professional learning support to assist in the admin side of their duties. Have them reach out to Dr. Cynthia Williams Phelps and we'll get them connected to this group.

Join us!

January 29 , 2025 -- 2pm -- "Escape" Room (across the hall from the "Wood 'n ya Wanit" store) on the 7th floor level, and around the corner from the Margaritaville Store.

Missouri Music Educator's Association Conference -

Margaritaville Resort and Conference Center at Tan-Tar-A
Hwy K
Osage Beach, Missouri

Although Internet service is unreliable at times, a virtual participation option is planned. Email for the link.

Help us know about your situation.
Take the MO Arts Ed Leader Survey.

Survey respondents will be added to the googlegroup and will be granted access to the Arts Ed Leaders Resources.

Fine Arts Ed Leaders Resource Access

Access to resources is available to any member of the MO Fine Arts Ed Leaders Google Group. Once you join the group, you can receive and send messages TO the team at  Provide your name and contact info to request access and we can add you to the group.

Our finest resources are the dedicated and hard-working leaders that support the teachers and the students they serve. 

This googledrive file includes points of contact for attendees, and an ever-growing collection of resources to guide and support Missouri's arts ed leaders as they work to strengthen Arts Education in Missouri. 

Members can message to the entire team at   

Questions: Contact Dr. Cynthia Williams Phelps, MAAE Director of Professional Learning - 

Tap here to learn How and Why it began...

At a meeting in the fall of 2023, the Fine Arts Collaborative Educators Group (based in St. Louis) the conversation turned to professional learning support for arts leaders. It was noted that beyond a few administrative tracks at national level conferences, the opportunities for PD are few. It was also noted that a great deal of learning happens between and among arts ed leaders when they just get together to talk and ask "How did you handle this particular situation?" Participants shared that they learned much from peers about a variety of topics from issues related to staffing to logistics for all-district events and more. The idea to hold a first convening at the 2024 MMEA conference resulted in a session attended by 13 in-person and one virtual attendee. Dr. Kendra Franks, DESE Fine Arts Director led a portion of that session along with Rockwood School District's Megan Meier, and Parkway's Jeff Lackey, along with MAAE's Phyllis Pasley. The group's second session, April 18, 2024 will likely be followed by additional convenings. The current thinking is for gatherings, either in person/hybrid or virtual gatherings in the fall and spring, with an in-person convening as part of the January MMEA conference.  Precise times and topics to be determined.

Many times arts teachers are called to take on new administrative roles, with limited professional learning to prepare them for these new responsibilities. Navigating the challenges of staffing, professional learning, curriculum development, standards alignment, budgets, materials adoption, facilities, inventory and more can find arts leaders searching for answers. By convening this group we hope to strengthen arts education in Missouri, and increase the efficiency and efficacy of each participant's arts administrative practice. 

Brief Recap - Previous Meetings

October 2, 2024 - Miller Performing Arts Center lobby/atrium, Jefferson City, MO 9:30am-3:30pm

Led by Dr. Kendra Franks, Dr. Cynthia Williams Phelps and Phyllis Pasley, fine arts leader participants from around the state gathered to explore the concepts of cultivating curiosity and creativity, professional learning practices, teacher recruitment and retention, apathy and/or expectations of new teachers, course coding, and best practices. An overview of the Arts Education Data Project was also shared. Lunch and facilities fees were provided, courtesy of DESE.

April 18, 2024 - Virtual meeting held via ZOOM

Dr. Kendra Franks and coordinated by Dr. Cynthia Williams Phelps and Phyllis Pasley, coordinated and led this virtual convening. A recording of the meeting is available for viewing on MAAE's youtube channel.

January 24, 2024 - Hybrid meeting held at the annual MMEA Conference - Osage Beach, MO

Around 12 in-person participants and 1 zoom viewer attended the first session facilitated by Phyllis Pasley, Dr. Melissa Cooper and Dr. Cynthia Williams Phelps. Dr. Kendra Franks presented a brief state of the state address, and a needs assessment exercise in identifying areas of professional learning support for Fine Arts Ed leaders present ensued. A pre-session survey helped collect additional information, and plans to meet three times per year were outlined.

MAAE wishes to make programming accessible to all. In-person events are held in ADA compliant facilities allowing those with mobility issues to participate. Please contact if you have any additional requests to accommodate visual, hearing or other accessibility issues. 

MAAE Professional Learning Communities 

Missouri Arts Integration Network welcomes all arts integration practitioners. Any subject, any age/grade level.

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity in the Arts sessions are open to all and provide curricular support, and access to resources as teachers navigate an increasingly diverse world. 

Fine Arts Missouri Educators
Network is open to all arts educators. It will be on hiatus for the 2024-25 year.

Arts Integration Partners


contact Janelle Velten - COCAedu Program Manager
Arts Integration Specialist or


The KS/MO Kennedy Center Partners in Education

contact:  Aaron Money - Fine Arts Director
Liberty Public Schools or 816-736-5660 

Springfield Arts Integration Conference 

contact:  Jessica Wagner  -Fine Arts/World Language Coordinator

Springfield Public Schools


Continue to submit your PD offerings at any time. Click the button below  to enter your workshop idea or learning opportunity.

Gathering Professional Learning Resources from Arts Ed Partners

Help school districts, LEAs and arts educators plan for content-specific job embedded professional development!  Spread the word about great PD Content - to help PD planners throughout the year!

Making the rich resources generated by individuals and non-profit organizations more widely available to arts educators can help arts ed professional learning happen throughout the year, and not just at the annual professional learning conferences. Live or in-person, virtual and pre-recorded content welcome. 

Please submit separate entries for each learning option you have to offer. Submissions may be offered at any time. Current published document may be viewed HERE.   Questions, email        

It's not too late to, Enter your PD idea info here!

Statewide Arts Education Organizations  
Professional Development

Content-specific professional development designed to meet the needs of constituents is undertaken by our allied statewide arts education organizations. 

Missouri Music Educators Association 

Learn More

Speech and Theatre Association of Missouri

STAM Fall conference Margaritaville - Tan-Tar-A Osage Beach. 

Learn More

Missouri Thespians 

Learn More

Missouri Art Educators Association 

Learn More

Missouri - American String Teachers Association

String sessions offered as a part of the Missouri Music Educators Conference - January.

Learn More

Missouri Association of Jazz Educators

Jazz sessions offered as a part of the Missouri Music Educators Conference - January.

Learn More

Missouri Bandmasters Association 

State Conference - June, Margaritaville - Tan-Tar-A Resort and Conference Center - Osage Beach, MO

Learn More

Missouri Choral Directors Association Conference

July - University Plaza Hotel and Conference Center, Springfield, MO 

Learn More