MAAE Education and Advocacy

To inform and educate those who can help the arts and arts education thrive in Missouri!

MAAE is non-partisan and does not endorse political candidates.

What is Arts Advocacy?

Anything that helps support the continuation of the arts could be referred to as arts advocacy. It takes many forms, from something as simple as inviting local school board members, elected officials or administrators to performances and exhibitions, or as extensive as arranging formal visits to meet with members of the state or national legislature and other policy makers. It most often takes the form of education, sharing information about the potential impact of an action or decision, and occasionally takes the form of lobbying or more direct action, asking a policy maker to support or oppose a specific issue.

MAAE Advocacy Initiatives

Sign up to  adopt a legislator by clicking your district link:
                St. Louis Southwest                             Central                                         Kansas City     Northeast         Northwest

              Courtesy of Missouri Citizens of the Arts

Join MCA as we prepare for Missouri Arts Advocacy Week! This statewide virtual training will help prepare you tips and key information to help you talk with legislators about the importance of state funding for the arts! Hear from MCA lobbyist Kyna Iman, statewide arts leaders, and more! 

Join MCA for Missouri Arts Advocacy Week February 3-7, 2025!  This is a time to collectively take our message directly to legislators via in-person and virtual meetings at the capitol and in-district. We are encouraging all advocates to get involved!  

Join us as we advocate in the Missouri State Capitol! 

Arts Advocacy Day will begin at 10am on February 5th in the Truman State Office Building.

See full event schedule at registration link.



The University of California San Marco has developed a set of 15 talking points outlining benefits of Arts Education.

 Learn more here.