Make Music St. Louis - June 21
a project of the Missouri Alliance for Arts Education, in collaboration with the
Make Music Alliance and St. Louis area partners, with funding support from the Regional Arts Commission.
June 21
Make Music Day is an annual celebration of music that takes place on the summer solstice. On Make Music Day everyone is invited to take part: performing music for others, listening to music, joining in playing music and/or hosting musical performances.
August 21
October 11
February 21
May 21
June 1 - Registration Closes
Beginning in France (1982) as the Fête de la Musique, this free music festival is now held on June 21 in more than 800 cities in 120 countries around the world. Some cities have begun the tradition of sponsoring a parallel event on December 21. Learn more at the Make Music Day U.S. heqdquarters site.
Play the music.
Invite your fans. Test-run your new songs. Make Music St. Louis was founded by musicians, and we know how important it is to share your music and to have an audience. You too can play at one of our venues.
Host the music.
Make Music St. Louis is part of a great city, and we want to give back. If you are a site looking to host live music, register as a venue and we will help connect you with a musician or group that fits your location.
Spread the Music.
Tell your friends and family about MMD-stl to help
build a vibrant St. Louis.
Share your excitement! Spread the word!
There's no better way to make an impact than to encourage others!
Enjoy the Music.
Whether playing a painted piano, listening to local musicians, joining a ukulele jam, learning to play harmonica, bucket drumming on the sidewalk or dancing in the streets,
Make Music Day is fun for all!
Make Music Day STL - June 21, 2023
MAAE executive director, Phyllis Pasley, and event coordinator, Marschnee Strong have teamed up to lead the Make Music Day - St. Louis team for 2023. Make Music Day - St. Louis is a part of a worldwide celebration with a focus on leveraging the power of music to bring communities together.
You're invited to become a part of the efforts in St. Louis! Contact Marschnee Strong at or call: 314-675-0621 to join the fun.
Make Music Day is for:
Every kind of musician - young, old, amateur or professional, and of every music genre may share their music. Even those who've never picked up an instrument before are invited to MAKE MUSIC on June 21!
Nearly any space can become a venue. From big concert halls, to sidewalks, parks, businesses, cafes, libraries, and more.
In any form!
Any form where people are making and enjoying music is welcomed. This could include free lessons, a drum circle, guitar or ukulele circle, electronic music exploration, harmonica band... the only limits are our own imagination.
Stay informed! Sign up to receive email updates.
Questions? Email Make Music Day - St. Louis Coordinator -
Marschnee Strong - or call 314-675-0621