Missouri Learning Standards
Missouri Learning Standards
Fine Arts
Fine Arts
Missouri Learning Standards
- Fine Arts (2019)
Missouri Learning Standards
- Fine Arts (2019)
In April 2019, the Missouri State Board of Education authorized new Missouri Learning Standards for Fine Arts. MAAE members are encouraged to visit the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education fine arts website to view or print the new standards https://dese.mo.gov/college-career-readiness/curriculum/fine-arts.
In addition, MAAE members are also encouraged to contact the DESE Arts Education Director to arrange training about the new learning standards. These workshop can be for a member’s school or one-on-one.
DESE Arts Education Director, Roger Kelley, 573-751-9610, roger.kelley@dese.mo.gov
One of the unique features of the Missouri Learning Standards in Fine Arts - adopted by Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the State Board of Education in April 2019 is that all five discipline areas within the document share the same four anchor standards: Create, Perform, Respond and Connect the same eleven Big Ideas. Although the specific content varies from dance, the music; from theatre to visual art and to media art, there are common enduring understandings and essential questions.
We are grateful to Harlan Brownlee, Daniel Hellman and Phyllis Pasley for compiling that information and presenting it here for your review.
We are grateful to Harlan Brownlee, Daniel Hellman and Phyllis Pasley for compiling that information and presenting it here for your review.