MAAE Allies

The Missouri Alliance for Arts Education uses the word “Ally” - to describe relationships with others who share our common values in support of arts education. 

Allies unite for mutual benefit.

Complete this form to become an ally today!

Our sincere thanks goes to the following individuals and organizations we are proud to list as our allies.
Any error or omission is unintentional. Please contact us you believe your organization should be listed but is not, or if any corrections or changes to this list are desired. 



Non-Profit Organizations 

Community Arts Organizations

State Agencies and Entities

Industry Allies

National Arts Ed Organizations


You can become an ally!

Complete the form below.

Categories of Allied Engagement, Benefits and Process

listed an an ally on website or other publications.

involvement in MAAE programs, initiatives, committees, or task force teams. 

hold a representative ex-officio (non-voting) seat on the MAAE Board of Directors. 

hold a voting seat on the MAAE Board of Directors. 


Receive news updates, and have MAAE support and promotion for the work of allies, facilitating communication with and among allies. 

Allies may submit information for dissemination using MAAE media channels to


Ally level benefits plus deeper 

Engagement with MAAE work.


Active Ally level benefits plus allowing an organization a seat at the table in discussing issues related to policy and programming. 

Although not required, a memorandum of understanding specifying each party’s responsibilities and benefits may be drafted if desired.


Associate Ally level benefits plus an active role in the governance of the Alliance.



