Arts ARE Education

Missouri Alliance for Arts Education

an advocacy campaign sponsored by the a coalition including Young Audiences Arts for Learning, the State Education Association Directors of Arts Education, National Association for Music Education, and the National Council for Core Arts Standards to provide tools to build support for arts education at the local level.


local support is key to maintaining and sustaining arts education programs.

Read more here.


Easy as 1-2-3

details below

Below find an embedded webpage for the PLEDGE from the National Arts ARE Education Hub.

Please encourage as many individuals and organizations as you can to sign this pledge.

WHO HAS SIGNED ALREADY? Check out the Signatory Page

Visit the Arts ARE Education hub
for more information and additional resources.

Please review additional considerations and suggestions here.


The Arts ARE Education Campaign is designed to help build support at the local level to help sustain arts education programs. It consists of:


After a year like no other in education, school districts and state legislatures across the nation are preparing for the 2021-2022 school year facing 

Scarce financial resources can put arts education programs at risk.

Share why the Arts ARE Education with district school boards and communities in the coming months to ensure that the arts will remain central to a well-rounded education and fully funded to support the academic learning and well-being of all students.

Arts education is an important aspect of every child’s education and part of the quality of life that makes us who we are as a country and as a people. 

Missouri ACTION ITEM #1

Sign the pledge.

ANYone may sign! Students, individuals, organizations, booster groups and more!

Missouri Action item #2

Ask your local school board to sign and adopt this the RESOLUTION. 

download resolution here to customize a physical document if desired..

Missouri ACTION ITEM #3


Post to Social Media and include #MOartAREeducation and @moartsed.
EXAMPLES HERE courtesy of Kathy Hahn Fo C6 School District
Story #1      -      Story #2    -      20 sec video Story #3

Missouri ACTION ITEM #4

Attend one of the Town Hall Meetings sponsored by 

Arts ARE Education

Seeking feedback and suggestions.

 This website was launched in August, 2020. We are seeking feedback from site visitors about their experience. Please share your thoughts on this survey.

The MAAE greatly appreciates the financial support provided by the Francis Family Foundation and the MAAE member organizations for
Fine Arts Education Day.

Missouri Alliance for Arts Education -