
Missouri Alliance for Arts Education

Missouri Action Item #1

Sign the pledge.

ANYone may sign! Students, individuals, organizations, booster groups and more!

Missouri Action item #2

Ask your local school board to sign and adopt this this RESOLUTION. 

download resolution here to customize a physical document if desired..

Consider making the signing a photo op or media event. 

Missouri Action Item #3


Post to Social Media #MOartsAREeducation and mention @moartsed.

Help local leaders know why the Arts ARE Education to ensure that the arts will remain central to a well-rounded education and fully funded to support the academic learning and well-being of all students. 


As you ask your local school board to sign and adopt this RESOLUTION please keep the following points in mind:

If you'd like additional support in meeting the needs of your local setting, please contact and we'll set up a time to talk.

Local School Board Resolution
Signed, Sealed,  Delivered

The Lee’s Summit Board of Education unanimously adopted the Arts Are Education resolution on 2/25/21 at their meeting.  Thanks to former MAAE Executive Director Ben Martin for his leadership on this local advocacy initiative. Check out the video footage from the Board of Ed meeting. (Ben's presentation begins around 11:10.) NEED HELP designing your local campaign, Ben would be pleased to consult! 

-Thanks to Ben Martin and to Cal State U of San Marcos for the Art = Opportunity
images and research compilation.

Below find an embedded webpage from the RESOLUTION
from the National Arts ARE Education Hub.

Download the text to customize the resolution for your district.

After signing, help us keep count!

 Record your district's info using the form below (also available under the "Get Active" tab - "Our Resolution" on the hub.)

Visit the Arts ARE Education hub
for more information and additional resources.

The MAAE greatly appreciates the financial support provided by the Francis Family Foundation and the MAAE member organizations for
Fine Arts Education Day.

Missouri Alliance for Arts Education -