Behind the Scenes

"Behind the Scenes" offers free monthly sessions sponsored by DESE provide a connection point for non-profit arts organizations and teaching artists with news and information from the field of education. MAAE and MAC are thrilled to be partners in this venture.
>Contact to learn more.

DESE's Behind the Scenes

The Missouri Alliance for Arts Education is assisting the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education as they host a monthly virtual meeting with Missouri non-profit arts organizations, teaching artists, K-12 and Higher Ed Arts Educators. Monthly meetings focus on sharing information about the department and updates to various art education initiatives.

The monthly meetings are free. Contact for more information.

BEHIND THE SCENES - future date pending

Time 1-2pm


From the View of an English Language Learner

6/17/21 Cammy Goucher - Director, English Language Developmen Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Meaningful Education and Industry Partners

4/22/21 Allison Frenzel - Programs Consultant, Secondary Arts - Arts, Media and Entertainment (AME) Sector - California Department of Education

Using Social Emotion Learning for Reflection and Growth through the Arts

3/18/21 Bob Morrison - from the Center for Arts Education and Social Emotional Learning and Quadrant Research

Grass roots tools

for arts advocacy to help you build local support for your arts program.

1/19/21 Lynn Tuttle, Director of Public Policy, Research, & Professional Development, NAfME

STEAM - Energized Learning

12/17/20 Cheri Sterman, Crayola Education
-Part 1 Video Link:
-Part 2 Video Link:

Special Curriculum Workshop
12/10/20 for non-profits and teaching artists - Roger Kelley, presenter

Arts Integration Practitioners

10/22/20 - Teaching Artists Roxane McWilliams and Emily Kohrinf
-Part 1 Video Link:
-Part 2 Video Link: