MAAE Fine Arts Education Day Performer Details
Fine Arts Education Day is for everyone!
Teachers and students: Come to perform!
Family members: Come and be a part of the audience!
meet YOUR legislators and help inform them about issues important to the arts and arts education.
Hear other great performances by students from other schools.
learn more about state government and Missouri history
Join us for a FREE pizza lunch (reservations needed in advance)
Celebrate Fine Arts in Missouri!
There is no fee to participate in the day’s agenda which includes the performances, awards, and visits to legislators’ offices. Students often bring artwork, photographs, playbills, DVDs and CDs to present to their legislators during the visits. Students are also treated to a free lunch of pizza and water in the Governor's Garden. (Pizza reservations needed in advance)
Fine Arts Education Day is a busy and action-packed day for student participants
Activities often include:
Visits with legislators
Awards presentations
Pizza lunch (reservations needed in advance)
and more...
The success of the collection of video submissions allowed sixty-three schools to participate virtually in '21. MAAE Plans for 2022 include an in-person performance component, in addition to the continued the collection of arts video submissions. Please consider submitting your videos which help us share your stories! *guidelines for video submissions may be found here.
Need help to fund the bus to get there? Jefferson City's Capitol and surrounding museums are considered state historic sites. You could apply for transportation grants through the Missouri State Parks Service. Learn more
Other Things to Do at the Capitol during Fine Arts Education Day:
Tour the Capitol building
Arrange to have your students visit the House and Senate Floor
Arrange to have your students sing the National Anthem on the House or Senate Floor at the opening of the session (Submit your request early!)
Visit the Lewis and Clark Monument just east of the Capitol
Visit the war memorials north (MO River side) of the Capitol
Visit the Thomas Hart Benton murals on display in the Capitol
Tour the Governor’s Mansion on Madison Street
Fine Arts Education Day
Fine Arts Education Day
- 8:30am Senator meet and greet with student artists
- 9:00 a.m. Senate Arts Exhibit Awards ceremony
- 10:00 a.m. Fine Arts Education Celebration Activities
- 11:00 a.m. MAAE Fine Arts Education Awards Presentation
- Noon - FAED Performances
- 1:00 p.m. - Fine Arts Education Celebration Activities video presentation/displays continue
- 3:00 p.m. Rotunda Activities conclude
South Steps
- 1:15 p.m. Outdoor Musical Performances Begin (weather permitting)
- 1:15 p.m. Pizza Lunch for all participants
The MAAE greatly appreciates the financial support provided by the Francis Family Foundation and the MAAE member organizations for
Fine Arts Education Day.