All-State Performance Ensembles
and the
Missouri Fine Arts Academy
The Missouri Alliance for Arts Education provides support to recognize student excellence in arts education.
The Alliance seeks funding to support Missouri's honors ensembles which are sponsored by statewide arts education organizations.
Student selection for participation in these all-state ensembles is quite rigorous, and includes preparation of challenging repertoire and successful selection through local and regional qualifying auditions. The process allows for recognition of outstanding skill as well as representation from all areas of the state.
Through these all-state ensembles, students engage in high-quality arts education experiences with renowned clinicians selected through an equally rigorous process.
All-State Band
All-State Choir
All-state Children's Choir
All-state Jazz Band
All-State Orchestra
All-State Theatre
The Collective - an all-state high school collaborative honors ensemble for non-traditional instruments.
All-State Collegiate Ensemble
The nationally and internationally recognized clinicians engaged to work with these ensembles provide professional learning opportunities for Missouri teachers as they observe and learn from them as they work directly with students. These master teachers share their wisdom, knowledge and expertise during rehearsals, and also lead workshops allowing additional opportunities for professional learning.
"There is nothing more powerful in my personal learning as a teacher than to watch a master teacher in action with students. Being able observe all-state rehearsals and the workshops provided by clinicians directly improves my practice in the classroom and makes me a better teacher. Thanks MAAE for helping to make this possible."
-comment from professional development participant
All-State Band
The All-State Jazz Band is sponsored by Missouri Bandmasters Association. The performances and clinics are typically held in conjunction with the annual conference held by the Missouri Music Educators Association in January of each year.
All-State Choir
The All-State Choir is sponsored by Missouri Choral Directors Association, a state chapter of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA). The performances and clinics are typically held in conjunction with the annual conference held by the Missouri Music Educators Association in January of each year.
All-State Jazz Band
The All-State Jazz Band is sponsored by Missouri Association of Jazz Education. The performances and clinics are typically held in conjunction with the annual conference held by the Missouri Music Educators Association in January of each year.
All-State Orchestra
The All-State Orchestra is sponsored by Missouri Chapter of the American String Teachers Association. The performances and clinics are typically held in conjunction with the annual conference held by the Missouri Music Educators Association in January of each year.
All-State Theatre
The All-State Theatre program is sponsored by Missouri State Thespians. Students selected to participate spend "year A" in rehearsals and preparation and "year B" in a performance. The rehearsals, performances and clinics are typically held in conjunction with the annual conference held by the Missouri Thespians in January of each year.
The Missouri Fine Arts Academy is hosted by
Missouri State University in Springfield, MO
and is led by Dr. Fatih Benzer.
The Alliance works alongside the Missouri Citizens for the Arts in seeking an annual appropriation from the Missouri legislature to support the Missouri Scholars Academy and the Missouri Fine Arts Academy. The two academies share a line item in the state's annual budget. The Missouri Fine Arts Academy serves students in Visual Art, Music (vocal and instrumental) theatre, dance and literary arts.
Additional support for the Missouri Fine Arts Academy comes from the Alliance in the form of promotion and recruitment, as we encourage teachers to nominate their students to be a part of this cohort of student learners.