The Missouri Alliance for Arts Education Legislative Watch Team meets weekly during the legislative session and carefully reviews legislation filed to determine the potential impact on arts education, arts educators and students of the arts. Find below the legislation under review within the current year.
Call to Action from Missouri Retired Teachers Association (MRTA)
Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO)
SEND an Email to your Legislators Click Here
This was a big week for Congressional funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).
On the House side, the FY’25 Interior Appropriations was considered on the House floor which appropriated $203.895 million each to NEA and the NEH. This represents a 1.5 percent cut below current funding levels.
On the Senate side, the Senate Full Appropriations Committee marked up its version of the FY’25 Interior Appropriations bill providing $209 million each for the NEA and NEH, a $2 million increase from last year!
Bill #
click link for bill textSponsor
MAAE Response
Please send a thank you to Governor Parson for signing HB 2002 and signing the 10.1M for the Missouri Arts Council (MAC).
Please reach out to Governor Parson through the email link provided and thank him for signing HB 2002 for funding at the $850K level for the Missouri Academies in 2025.
Also please ask Governor Parson for signing the budget line item of $10.1M for funding of the Missouri Arts Council from the collection of revenue from the Non-Resident Athlete and Entertainers Tax.
To the right is a sample of language you may use to send to Governor Parson. As you fill out the submission form please make sure and select “State Budget (opinion)” in order to make sure that the budget staff also see this thank you.
MAAE sample language to send to Governor Parson.
tap below for sample language to customizeand send a message to Governor Parson.
Dear Governor Parson:
I am a Missouri voter and I would like to thank you for your support in signing HB 2002 for $850K to fund the Missouri Academies. This will fully fund the Missouri Fine Arts Academy and Missouri Scholars Academy for June 2025. Your support for this measure will ensure access for students of all financial means to attend these academies.
I also thank you for your support in signing the budget line item of $10.1M for the Missouri Arts Council from the collection of revenue from the Non-Resident Athlete and Entertainers Tax. Your support for this measure will ensure that MAC is able to engage people in meaningful arts experiences, grow Missouri’s economy using the arts and strengthen Missouri education through the arts.
Thank you for your consideration.
Although MAAE supports the increased funding for teacher compensation included in S#2/Senate Committee Substitute for SB727, MAAE has concerns about the reductions in revenue for public schools and teacher preparation if this is implemented as written. When school funding is threatened, so are school arts programs.
tap below for sample language to customizeand send a message to your Representative.
Dear Representative X:
I am a voter from your district and have concerns about S#2/SCS/SB727 and its impact on funding for public education and arts education. If passed as written, this could have a negative impact on students, schools and communities.
Thank you for your consideration.
HCS/HB 1447 (Ed Lewis) regarding the minimum teachers' salary, teacher certification, salary schedule placement, Career Ladder, and other teacher recruitment and retention provisions,
HB 2287 (Phil Christofanelli) regarding full-time virtual schools,
SB 762 (Karla May) regarding suicide prevention programs in secondary grades,
SB 784 (Doug Beck) regarding extra funding for districts with a five-day week and requiring district approval of a four-day school week in charter counties and cities over 30,000,
SB 857 (Karla May) regarding a home reading program for elementary grade literacy,
SB 885 (Steven Roberts) regarding filling school board vacancies in "urban" school districts and St. Louis City,
SB 918 (Ben Brown) regarding home school activity participation,
SB 1286 (Mike Bernskoetter) regarding PSRS working after retirement, to allow persons on disability retirement to work and earn up to 50% pay for the position and reducing the penalty for exceeding 550 hours to the actual amount of excess earnings, rather than a full month's pension,
SB 1393 (Cindy O'Laughlin) regarding proposals to establish recovery high schools,
SB 1394 (Cindy O'Laughlin) regarding a new online teacher certification program solely for teachers in private schools.
Sponsor: Koenig
Authorizes a tax credit for certain educational expenses
expands existing tax credits passed in 2021.
Modifies provisions of the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program
authorizes charter schools to operate in Boone County, St. Charles County, and St. Louis County
establishes the Parents' Bill of Rights Act of 2024 and creates provisions relating to discussion of certain topics by school personnel and the physical privacy of children.
Allows DESE to develop an 18-credit hour online teacher preparation program to be administered by a private nonprofit.
Although MAAE supports the increased funding for teacher compensation included in S#2/Senate Committee Substitute for SB727, MAAE has concerns about the reductions in revenue for public schools and teacher preparation if this is implemented as written. When school funding is threatened, so are school arts programs.
tap below for sample language to customizeand send a message to your Representative.
Dear Representative X:
I am a voter from your district and have concerns about S#2/SCS/SB727 and its impact on funding for public education and arts education. If passed as written, this could have a negative impact on students, schools and communities.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bill # SJR 74
SS#4/SCS/SJRs 74, 48, 59, 61 & 83 - Current law provides that any constitutional amendment proposed by the initiative or constitutional convention or new constitution shall take effect at the end of 30 days after the election when approved by a simple majority of the votes cast on the measure. This proposed amendment requires all such proposed constitutional amendments and new constitutions to receive a majority of the votes cast statewide as well as a majority of the votes cast in at least a majority of the Congressional districts, such approved amendments to take effect at the end of 31 days after the election.
This bill was heard in the H Elections and Elected Officials on March 12, 2024.
- Marijuana legalization
- Right to work
- Medicaid Expansion
Sponsor: Cody Smith, Cheri Toalson-Reisch
Prohibits state departments from spending money on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives
MAAE has concerns about the funding restrictions which may have an effect on access and equity.
tap below for sample language to customizeand send a message to your Senator.
Dear Representative X:
I am a voter from your district and have concerns about HB 2619. If passed this could jeopardize licensing and accreditation of programs within state departments and private health care entities with consequences for the wellbeing of Missourians and our state’s economic competitiveness;
placing billions of federal dollars at risk.
We are stronger as a state when we embrace diversity, equity and inclusive practice.
Sponsors: Rep. Pollitt, Davis, Toalson-Reisch
Sponsors: Senator Curtis Trent
These related bill address: Open Enrollment, (currently includes clauses to deny students based on their special education status) diminished requirements for transportation budgets for Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs); Establishes Parent Public School Choice Fund;
MAAE has concerns about these measures which threaten financial resources for public education, and funding, and the effect on access and equity.
tap below for sample language to customizeand send a message to your Senator.
Dear Representative X:
I am a voter from your district and have concerns about HB 1989 and SB 1051. If passed this could jeopardize funding for public education with potential subsequent cuts to local arts budgets. Many districts across the state currently enjoy collaborative relationships with their neighboring districts. There are concerns related to diminished funding for transportation, and denial of educational services based on a students special needs.
Please reach out to school leaders in your Senate district to investigate and understand the impact on students, schools and communities.
Other bills we are monitoring include